I'm at the Aspen Vista Trailhead, of the Santa Fe National forest. Hard to see the map with the deteriorating lamination. I've been camping down the road from this trailhead and just going out for a jog.

The aspen and wild flowers are very pretty this time of year.

A closer view from the trail of the foliage. Violet wild flowers and white aspen is a nice color combination

I am impressed with how lush and green the forests are in New Mexico. That is probably due to it being the rainy season this time if year. There are a lot of thunder storms--like one starting right now And more times then not when the thunder starts, the heavy rain will soon come.

I turn around to head back and find this structure. Curiosity makes me investigate even thought I start to feel raindrops.

A closer look. A little bit spooky.

The trail on the way back. My jog cut short by looming rains but still so nice to get out.